Thursday, May 27, 2010

What is your news source?

I am starting to wonder if people still think or if they are just passive listeners, colleagues from work, friends I hang out with, people I meet at a bar and the list goes on. I have yet to find a person who dissects the news they hear or atleast have an opinion on it. Instead all I hear is rhetoric about what they heard from John Stewart on the daily show, or Glenn Beck on fox news. What part of the "talk show" do they not understand? I guess it is not their fault they can't distinguish between opinions and news.

Long gone are the days when people tuned in to the daily news in the evening where reporters just read the stories people no longer spend time reading a newspaper. Instead they click on a link on the internet, watch and/or listen to a talk show expecting to get details of the latest current events. When will they realize that the talking heads on TV or radio are just speaking their opinion instead of reporting news.

This culture in today's world is so prevelant that even reputable TV stations and reporters have come down their levels to start dishing out opinions instead of reporting news. There is no nonbiased news anymore there is always a political spin to the story being reported. Their political affiliations drive the stories these days.

I only wish we lost technology for a few years where publishing a story is not so easy. So the real reporters will actually perform their duties properly and research the story before they broadcast it for ratings. Better yet, I wish people would start thinking for themselves instead of letting a TV personality influence their thoughts. Is that too much to ask?


  1. Too many people today don't know what real news is. They have to realize, like you stated, all news is biased and they need to have more than one source of news. The other problem lies in the fact that most people can't think on their own and are easily persuaded by who yells the loudest.

  2. I hate the way the modern "News" kind of focuses on things that tend to cause anxiety or to raise blood pressure.

    You are right about the "Spin" but I think the "Spin" is a natural result of being beholden to the financial interest that owns the network.

    I guess it is human nature to "Spin" things and, as you suggest, the only defense is to either be unconcerned enough to tune out or to make sure you are informed from multiple sources.

    I make sure to indicate that I always spin things on the blog that I write. I am fully up front about the fact that I write political spin and never try to present it as factual.

    People tell me that this might cost me some credibility factor, but I think the honesty is appreciated.

    I think folks are actually smart enough to figure things out if they really want to.
